Top 3 Advantages of Search Engine Optimisation for Your Website

If you’re a business owner or marketing officer, you’ve likely been told that your brand needs some online presence in the form of good SEO – short for search engine optimisation. If you haven’t heard about it, then you should get to know more about it. 2020 is only a few weeks away, and the relevance of SEO has been huge for the entire decade. It’s time for you to catch up. If you’re really not familiar with this online tactic, you might say that it’s a complete waste of time. But what the real waste of time is you not knowing what SEO all this time is. To help convince you to embrace the future finally, we’ve compiled the top three advantages of search engine optimisation Adelaide and how it can affect your website moving forward.

SEO Targets High-quality Traffic

Search Engine Optimisation AdelaideSo not only does SEO help you gain traffic to your website, but it can also help you net high-quality ones. These are the people who are genuinely looking for your business and would jump right into doing business with you the moment they see your website. Unlike traditional “outbound” advertising channels, inbound methods like SEO centre around making it easier for your target audience to find you when they want the information, service, or product that you offer.

You Don’t Need to Pay for Ads

If you’ve done business online, you’re probably familiar with ads and how costly they are. The sad part is that the returns are futile, which leads you to get discouraged with online marketing altogether. There’s nothing wrong with paid ads. It’s just that you need to pair it with SEO for you to double your profit out of it. With SEO, you’re ranking for the organic search on the search engine. That means you won’t have to pay for anything. That’s the beauty of it. Unlike paid ads that require you to pay for every click to your website, organic search will let you have as much traffic as you can without having to pay for each one. That means search engine optimisation Adelaide isn’t just efficient, but it’s also cost-effective.

SEO Gets More Clicks Than PPC

Finally, we’d like to emphasize the idea that we mentioned in the previous paragraph. Although PPC (pay-per-click) appear right above the organic ranking, it’s found that 72 percent of searches result in a click on a natural result on the first page. That percentage is more than enough reason for you to include organic search and SEO in your online marketing strategy.

For more tips and guides about search engine optimisation Adelaide, check out our blog page now. You can also subscribe to our newsletter for the latest news and updates on the world of SEO and digital marketing.